Translation components API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
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null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092124Z", "action": 59, "target": "Veröffentlichungsdetails für Version {$version}", "id": 501136, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092162Z", "action": 59, "target": "Diskussion zur Produktion", "id": 501137, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092199Z", "action": 59, "target": "Zurück zur Begutachtung", "id": 501138, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092236Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501139, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", 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"2023-02-17T04:19:32.092421Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501144, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092459Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501145, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092496Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501146, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092533Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501147, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092569Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501148, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092606Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501149, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092642Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501150, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092678Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501151, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092715Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501152, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092752Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501153, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092789Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501154, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092831Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501155, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092873Z", "action": 59, "target": "", "id": 501156, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092910Z", "action": 59, "target": "Mindestens ein/e Autor/in muss angegeben werden.", "id": 501157, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092949Z", "action": 59, "target": "Bitte geben Sie den Titel Ihres Artikels an.", "id": 501158, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.092992Z", "action": 59, "target": "Bitte geben Sie das Abstract Ihres Artikels an.", "id": 501159, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.093043Z", "action": 59, "target": "Ihr Abstract ist zu lang. Bitte kürzen Sie es auf eine Länge, die unter der Höchstgrenze für diese Rubrik liegt.", "id": 501160, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.093081Z", "action": 59, "target": "Bitte wählen Sie die Rolle der Beiträgerin/des Beiträgers aus.", "id": 501161, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.093117Z", "action": 0, "target": "", "id": 501162, "action_name": "Resource update", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677173Z", "action": 59, "target": "Υποβολή με τον ρόλο μου ως...", "id": 501214, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677251Z", "action": 59, "target": "Επιλέξτε στοιχείο άρθρου", "id": 501215, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677293Z", "action": 59, "target": "Τίτλος άρθρου", "id": 501216, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677333Z", "action": 59, "target": "Ο τύπος υποβολής είναι συνήθως 'εικόνα', 'κείμενο' ή τύποι πολυμέσων, όπως 'λογισμικό' ή 'διαδραστικό'. Παρακαλούμε επιλέξτε το πιο σχετικό με την υποβολή σας. Παραδείγματα μπορείτε να βρείτε στο <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a>", "id": 501217, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677372Z", "action": 59, "target": "Ξεκινήστε μία νέα υποβολή στο", "id": 501218, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677410Z", "action": 59, "target": "Νέα υποβολή", "id": 501219, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677448Z", "action": 59, "target": "Ροή εργασιών υποβολής", "id": 501220, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677485Z", "action": 59, "target": "Η περίληψη δεν πρέπει να υπερβαίνει τις {$wordCount} λέξεις.", "id": 501221, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677522Z", "action": 59, "target": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η εύρεση του περιοδικού που ανήκει αυτή η υποβολή.", "id": 501222, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677558Z", "action": 59, "target": "Μεταδεδομένα", "id": 501223, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677594Z", "action": 59, "target": "Οι συντελεστές του περιοδικού ειδοποιήθηκαν για την υποβολή και σας έχει σταλεί σχετική επιβεβαίωση. Μόλις ο Επιμελητής του περιοδικού ελέγξει την υποβολή, θα επικοινωνήσει μαζί σας.", "id": 501224, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677631Z", "action": 59, "target": "Το τυπογραφικό δοκίμιο εμφανίζεται στη σχετική εγγραφή στο τεύχος", "id": 501225, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677668Z", "action": 59, "target": "Προβολή των μεταδεδομένων αυτής της υποβολής", "id": 501226, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677705Z", "action": 59, "target": "Το τυπογραφικό δοκίμιο του άρθρου \"{$galleyFormatName}\" είναι διαθέσιμο.", "id": 501227, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677742Z", "action": 59, "target": "Το τυπογραφικό δοκίμιο του άρθρου \"{$galleyFormatName}\" δεν είναι διαθέσιμο.", "id": 501228, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677779Z", "action": 59, "target": "Τα δημόσια αναγνωριστικά της υποβολής επικαιροποιήθηκαν.", "id": 501229, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677817Z", "action": 59, "target": "Έγκριση μορφοποίησης", "id": 501230, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677855Z", "action": 59, "target": "<p>Αυτό το τυπογραφικό δοκίμιο <em>δεν θα είναι πλέον διαθέσιμο</em> στους αναγνώστες.</p>", "id": 501231, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677892Z", "action": 59, "target": "<p>Αυτό το τυπογραφικό δοκίμιο <em>θα είναι διαθέσιμο</em> στους αναγνώστες.</p>", "id": 501232, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:19:32.677928Z", "action": 59, "target": "Αυτό το τυπογραφικό δοκίμιο να είναι διαθέσιμο", "id": 501233, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" } ] }{ "count": 8801, "next": "