Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/pkp-lib/admin/hr/units/?format=api&page=2
Content-Type: application/json
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                "The directory {$directory} is not empty. This could indicate a previously failed process, or a concurrently running process. This file will be automatically reprocessed."
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                "Direktorij {$directory} nije prazan. To bi moglo ukazivati na prethodni neuspjeli proces ili na proces koji se istovremeno izvodi. Ova će datoteka biti automatski ponovno obrađena."
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                "The file {$file} is in old log file format that cannot be processed and will thus be moved back to the stage directory."
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                "Skipped log file {$file} because statistics from that month have already been calculated. To recalculate statistics for a previous month, you must restore all of that month's log files and use the CLI tool to reprocess statistics."
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                "Preskočena datoteka zapisa {$file} jer je statistika za taj mjesec već izračunata. Da biste ponovno izračunali statistiku za prethodni mjesec, morate vratiti sve datoteke dnevnika tog mjeseca i koristiti CLI alat za ponovnu obradu statistike."
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