Language Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
English 290 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arabic 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Armenian 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Azerbaijani 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Basque 4 92 155 1,130 92 0 0 0
Bosnian 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Bosnian (latin) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Bulgarian 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Catalan 3 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Chinese (Simplified) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Chinese (Simplified) (zh_CN) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Chinese (Traditional) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Croatian 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Czech 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Danish 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Danish (da_DK) 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dutch 3 93 156 1,134 93 0 0 0
Finnish 12 92 155 1,130 92 0 0 0
French 4 92 155 1,130 92 0 0 0
French (Canada) 64 33 71 521 33 0 0 0
French (fr_FR) 4 92 155 1,130 92 0 0 0
Gaelic 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Galician 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Georgian 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
German 6 92 155 1,130 92 0 0 0
Greek 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Greek (el_GR) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Hungarian 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Hungarian (hu_HU) 4 92 155 1,130 92 0 0 0
Iban 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Icelandic 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Indonesian 91 5 11 52 5 0 0 0
Indonesian (id_ID) 4 92 155 1,130 92 0 0 0
Italian 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Italian (it_IT) 2 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Japanese 4 92 155 1,130 92 0 0 0
Kazakh 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Korean 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Korean (ko_KR) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Kurdish 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Kurdish (Central) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Kurdish (ku_IQ) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Kyrgyz 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Macedonian 95 1 1 3 1 0 0 0
Macedonian (mk_MK) 95 1 1 3 1 0 0 0
Malay 21 90 153 1,114 90 0 0 0
Malay (ms_MY) 5 92 155 1,130 92 0 1 0
Mongolian 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Norwegian Bokmål 6 93 156 1,134 93 0 0 0
Persian 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Persian (fa_IR) 95 1 1 4 1 0 0 0
Polish 4 92 154 1,121 92 0 0 0
Polish (pl_PL) 3 93 156 1,134 93 0 0 0
Portuguese 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Portuguese (Brazil) 106 1 1 4 1 0 0 0
Portuguese (Portugal) 95 1 1 4 0 0 0 0
Romanian 8 88 148 1,080 88 0 0 0
Romanian (ro_RO) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Russian 12 84 143 1,050 84 0 0 0
Russian (ru_RU) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Serbian 53 43 84 586 43 0 0 0
Serbian (latin) 1 95 159 1,152 95 0 0 0
Serbian (sr_SR) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Sinhala 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Sinhala (si_LK) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Slovak 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Slovak (sk_SK) 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Slovenian 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Slovenian (sl_SI) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Spanish 96 1 1 3 1 0 0 0
Spanish (Argentina) 2 94 158 1,144 92 0 0 0
Spanish (Mexico) 36 60 107 774 60 0 0 0
Spanish (es_ES) 61 36 71 465 34 0 0 0
Swedish 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Swedish (sv_SE) 131 93 157 1,130 93 0 0 0
Turkish 5 92 155 1,130 92 0 0 0
Turkish (tr_TR) 4 92 155 1,130 92 0 0 0
Ukrainian 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ukrainian (uk_UA) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Uzbek 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Uzbek (latin) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Uzbek (uz_UZ@cyrillic) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Uzbek (uz_UZ@latin) 8 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Vietnamese 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Vietnamese (vi_VN) 0 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
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Project website
Translation license Proprietary
Translation process
  • Translations can be made directly.
  • Translation suggestions can be made.
  • Any authenticated user can contribute.
  • The translation uses bilingual files.
Source code repository local:
Repository branch main
Weblate repository
File mask *.tbx

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 8,541 14,243 103,243
Source 290 488 3,699
Translated 26% 2,303 26% 3,768 26% 27,493
Needs editing 1% 5 1% 7 1% 30
Read-only 1% 162 1% 279 2% 2,120
Failing checks 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Strings with suggestions 1% 1 1% 2 1% 8
Untranslated strings 72% 6,233 73% 10,468 73% 75,720

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User avatar diegojmacedo

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Common Plugins / Common PluginsPortuguese (Brazil)

12 hours ago
User avatar Nina_Trubanova

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Common Plugins / Common PluginsSlovak (sk_SK)

16 hours ago
User avatar Nina_Trubanova

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Common Plugins / Common PluginsSlovak (sk_SK)

16 hours ago
User avatar Nina_Trubanova

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Common Plugins / Common PluginsSlovak (sk_SK)

16 hours ago
User avatar Nina_Trubanova

New translation

Common Plugins / Common PluginsSlovak (sk_SK)

16 hours ago
User avatar Nina_Trubanova

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Common Plugins / Common PluginsSlovak (sk_SK)

16 hours ago
User avatar Nina_Trubanova

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Common Plugins / Common PluginsSlovak (sk_SK)

16 hours ago
User avatar Nina_Trubanova

New translation

Common Plugins / Common PluginsSlovak (sk_SK)

16 hours ago
User avatar Nina_Trubanova

New translation

Common Plugins / Common PluginsSlovak (sk_SK)

16 hours ago
User avatar Nina_Trubanova

New translation

Common Plugins / Common PluginsSlovak (sk_SK)

16 hours ago
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