Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/ojs/admin/sl/units/?format=api
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                "Are you sure you want to disable this locale? This may affect any hosted journals currently using the locale."
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                "Ste prepričani, da želite onemogočiti ta jezik? To lahko vpliva na revije, ki ga trenutno uporabljajo."
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                "Select all locales to support on the site. The selected locales will be available for use by all journals hosted on the site, and also appear in a language select menu to appear on each site page (which can be overridden on journal-specific pages). If multiple locales are not selected, the language toggle menu will not appear and extended language settings will not be available to journals."
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                "Izberite vse jezike, ki bodo podprti na tem spletišču. Izbrani jeziki bodo na voljo za vse gostujoče revije in se bodo pojavili na meniju možnih jezikov na vsaki spletni strani (to lahko spremenite na specifičnih straneh revije). Če ne bo izbranih več jezikov, se na spletnih straneh ne bo pojavil meni za jezikovno nastavitev."
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                "Are you sure you want to uninstall this locale? This may affect any hosted journals currently using the locale."
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                "Ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti ta jezik? To lahko vpliva na vse gostujoče revije."
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                "Select any additional locales to install support for in this system. Locales must be installed before they can be used by hosted journals. See the OJS documentation for information on adding support for new languages."
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                "Izberite dodatne jezike, ki jih želite imeti na voljo na spletišču. Vsak jezik mora biti nameščen pred uporabo. V OJS dokumentaciji lahko najdete več informacij o podpori novih jezikov."
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                "Avtomatsko boste določeni za upravitelja revije. Ko ustvarite revijo, se prijavite kot upravitelj in nadaljujte z nastavljanjem revije in določanjem uporabnikov."
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                "Existing journal path or path to create (e.g., \"ojs\")."
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                "Obstoječa pot revije ali pot, ki jo želite ustvariti (npr. \"ojs\")."
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                "Uvozi naročnine"
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                "Prekodiraj metapodatke prenesenih člankov iz ISO8859-1"
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                "Generate code to map OJS 1 URLs to OJS 2 URLs"
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                "Generiraj kodo za preslikavo OJS 1 URL-ev v OJS 2 URL-je"
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                "Uvozna pot je obvezna."
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                "Importing failed to complete successfully"
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                "Uvoz ni uspel v celoti"
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                "Merge Users"
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                "Združi uporabnike"
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                "Select a user to whom to attribute the previous user's authorships, editing assignments, etc."
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                "Izberite uporabnika, ki mu želite pripisati vsa avtorska dela, uredniške zadolžitve, itd. prejšnjega uporabnika."
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                "Select a user (or several) to merge into another user account (e.g., when someone has two user accounts). The account(s) selected first will be deleted and any submissions, assignments, etc. will be attributed to the second account."
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                "Izberite račun uporabnika (ali več), ki jih želite zružiti v drug uporabniški račun (npr. če kdo uporablja več uporabniških računov). Vsi oddani članki, zadolžitve in ostalo, prvoizbranega uporabniškega računa (ali več njih) bodo zbrisani in preneseni na drug uporabniški račun."
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                "All Enrolled Users"
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                "Are you sure you wish to merge the selected {$oldAccountCount} account(s) into the account with the username \"{$newUsername}\"? The selected {$oldAccountCount} accounts will not exist afterwards. This action is not reversible."
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                "Ali ste prepričani, da želite združiti izbran uporabniški račun (ali več njih) {$oldAccountCount} v uporabniški račun z imenom \"{$newUsername}\"? Izbrani uporabniški računi {$oldAccountCount} ne bodo več obstajali. Ta akcija je nerevezibilna."
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                "Opomnik za potek naročnine"
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                "Select the hosted journals that should be allowed to send bulk emails. When this feature is enabled, a journal manager will be able to send an email to all users registered with their journal.<br><br>Misuse of this feature to send unsolicited email may violate anti-spam laws in some jurisdictions and may result in your server's emails being blocked as spam. Seek technical advice before enabling this feature and consider consulting with journal managers to ensure it is used appropriately.<br><br>Further restrictions on this feature can be enabled for each journal by visiting its settings wizard in the list of <a href=\"{$hostedContextsUrl}\">Hosted Journals</a>."
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                "Izberite revije pri katerih bo omogočeno masovno pošiljanje emailov. Vklop te nastavitve omogoča upravljalcem revij, da lahko pošljejo email vsem registriranim uporabnikom revije. <br><br>Zloraba te možnoti za pošiljanje nezaželjenih emailov je lahko protizakonito in lahko povzroči, da se vaš strežnik blokira kot izvor nezaželjenih emailov. Pred vklopom poiščite tehnične nasvete in razmislite o posvetovanju z upravljalci revij, da preprečite nepravilno uporabo.<br><br>Nadaljne restrikcije te funcionalnosti se lahko določijo individualno za vsako revijo posebej v čarovniku za namestitev posamezne revije <a href=\"{$hostedContextsUrl}\">Gostujoče revije</a>."
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                "A journal manager will be unable to send bulk emails to any of the roles selected below. Use this setting to limit abuse of the email notification feature. For example, it may be safer to disable bulk emails to readers, authors, or other large user groups that have not consented to receive such emails.<br><br>The bulk email feature can be disabled completely for this journal in <a href=\"{$siteSettingsUrl}\">Admin > Site Settings</a>."
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                "Upravljalec revije ne bo mogel pošiljati masovnih emailov spodaj označenim vlogam. Nastavitev uporabite, da zmanjšate možnost zlorabe funkcije masovnega pošiljanja emailov. Npr. morda je varneje, da izklopite to možnost za bralce, avtorje ali ostale velike skupine uporabnikov, ki se niso strinjale s sprejemenjem takih emailov. <br><br>Možnost popolne izključitve te funkcionalnosti za to revijo je v <a href=\"{$siteSettingsUrl}\">Administracija > Nastavitve spletišča</a>."
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                "The bulk email feature has been disabled for this journal. Enable this feature in <a href=\"{$siteSettingsUrl}\">Admin > Site Settings</a>."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Masovno pošiljanje emailov je onemogočeno za to revijo. To funkcijo se omogoči v <a href=\"{$siteSettingsUrl}\">Administracija > Nastavitve spletišča</a>."
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            "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:05:23.515624Z"
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                "Add, edit or remove journals from this site and manage site-wide settings."
            "previous_source": "",
            "target": [
                "Dodajte, uredite ali odstranite revije na tem spletišču in urejajte nastavitve celotnega spletišča."
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            "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:05:23.520387Z"
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                "Select the type of geographical usage statistics that can be collected by journals on this site. More detailed geographical statistics may increase your database size considerably and, in some rare cases, may undermine the anonymity of your visitors. Each journal may configure this setting differently, but a journal can never collect more detailed records than what is configured here. For example, if the site only supports country and region, the journal may select country and region or only country. The journal will not be able to track country, region and city."
            "previous_source": "",
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                "Izberite tip geografskih podatkov za statistike, ki se bodo zbirali pri revijah na tem spletišču. Podrobnejši podatki lahko znatno povečajo velikost baze podatkov in v redkih primerih celo ogrozijo anonimnost obiskovalcev. Vsaka revija lahko sicer posebej nastavi te nastavitve, a ne more zbirati podrobnejših podatkov, kot je nastavljeno tukaj. Na primer, če spletišče omogoča le zbiranje države in regije, lahko revija zbira le državo in regijo ali le državo; ne more pa zbirati države, regije in mesta."
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            "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:05:23.523571Z"
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                "Enable institutional statistics if you would like journals on this site to be able to collect usage statistics by institution. Journals will need to add the institution and its IP ranges in order to use this feature. Enabling institutional statistics may increase your database size considerably."
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            "target": [
                "Omogočite institucionalne statistike, če želite omogočiti, da revije na tem spletišču lahko zbirajo podatke o uporabi po institucijah. Za koriščenje te možnosti, bodo morale revije dodati institucije in njihov IP razpon. Omogočene institucionalne statistike, lahko znatno povečajo bazo podatkov."
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            "context": "admin.settings.statistics.institutions.description",
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            "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:05:23.528152Z"
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                "Whether or not to make the SUSHI API endpoints publicly accessible for all journals on this site. If you enable the public API, each journal may override this setting to make their statistics private. However, if you disable the public API, journals can not make their own API public."
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            "target": [
                "Omogočite ali ne SUSHI API javno dostopen za vse revije na tem spletišču. Če omogočite javen API, lahko vsaka revija posebej to nastavitev spremeni in prepreči javen API. Če onemogočite javen API, potem pri posamezni reviji ni mogoče nastaviti javen API."
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            "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:05:23.532024Z"
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                "Use the site as the platform for all journals."
            "previous_source": "",
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                "Uporabi strežnik kot platformo za vse revije."
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                "Issue ID is not an integer."
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                "ID številke ni naravno število."
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            "timestamp": "2024-02-08T04:44:53.486432Z"