Translation components API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/translations/pkp-lib/reviewer/gl/changes/?format=api", "previous": null, "results": [ { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.126895Z", "action": 59, "target": "1. Solicitude", "id": 562120, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.126976Z", "action": 59, "target": "2. Pautas", "id": 562121, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127024Z", "action": 59, "target": "3. Descarga e revisión", "id": 562122, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127097Z", "action": 59, "target": "4. 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Agardamos que poida participar.", "id": 562125, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127217Z", "action": 59, "target": "Ver os detalles do envío", "id": 562126, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127255Z", "action": 59, "target": "Arquivos do revisor/a", "id": 562127, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127293Z", "action": 59, "target": "Rexeitar a solicitude de revisión", "id": 562128, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127330Z", "action": 59, "target": "No seguinte campo podes proporcionarlle ao editor calquera motivo polo que rexeitas esta revisión.", "id": 562129, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127368Z", "action": 59, "target": "Aceptar a revisión, continúa co Paso #2", "id": 562130, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127415Z", "action": 59, "target": "Continuar co Paso #3", "id": 562131, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127462Z", "action": 59, "target": "Presentar solicitude", "id": 562132, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127502Z", "action": 59, "target": "Gardar para máis tarde", "id": 562133, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127543Z", "action": 59, "target": "Directrices do revisor", "id": 562134, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127590Z", "action": 59, "target": "Esta editorial ten unha política de divulgación dos posibles conflitos de intereses dos seus revisores. Tómese un momento para revisar esta política.", "id": 562135, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127636Z", "action": 59, "target": "Non teño ningún conflito de intereses", "id": 562136, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127677Z", "action": 59, "target": "É posibel que exista un conflito de intereses (Especificar a continuación)", "id": 562137, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127718Z", "action": 59, "target": "Conflito de intereses", "id": 562138, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127754Z", "action": 59, "target": "Pautas da revisión", "id": 562139, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127791Z", "action": 59, "target": "Esta editorial non estableceu ningunha pauta para os revisores/as.", "id": 562140, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127834Z", "action": 59, "target": "Faga clic nos nomes de arquivos de abaixo para descargar os ficheiros asociados a este envío.", "id": 562141, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127882Z", "action": 59, "target": "Insira (ou pegue) a súa revisión deste envío no seguinte formulario.", "id": 562142, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127924Z", "action": 59, "target": "Cargue arquivos que desexa que consulte o editor/a e/ou o autor/a, incluídas as versións revisadas dos arquivos de revisión orixinais.", "id": 562143, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.127972Z", "action": 59, "target": "Revisión enviada", "id": 562144, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.128019Z", "action": 59, "target": "Seguro/a que queres enviar esta revisión?", "id": 562145, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.128186Z", "action": 59, "target": "Grazas por completar a revisión deste envío. A túa revisión enviouse correctamente. Agradecemos a túa contribución á calidade do traballo que publicamos. O editor/a pode poñerse en contacto de contigo para obter máis información se é necesario.", "id": 562146, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.128235Z", "action": 59, "target": "Acerca das datas límite", "id": 562147, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.128273Z", "action": 59, "target": "O editor/a pideche que aceptes ou rexeites a revisión antes da data límite da resposta e completes a revisión antes da data límite da revisión.", "id": 562148, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.128316Z", "action": 59, "target": "Para o autor/a e o editor/a", "id": 562149, 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"2023-02-17T04:28:22.128472Z", "action": 59, "target": "O usuario/a actual non está asignado/a como revisor/a do documento solicitado.", "id": 562153, "action_name": "String updated in the repository", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-17T04:28:22.128507Z", "action": 0, "target": "", "id": 562154, "action_name": "Resource update", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2023-02-27T23:09:10.069057Z", "action": 0, "target": "", "id": 696723, "action_name": "Resource update", "url": "" }, { "unit": null, "component": "", "translation": "", "user": "", "author": "", "timestamp": "2024-02-13T16:41:15.106938Z", "action": 0, "target": "", "id": 840164, "action_name": "Resource update", "url": "" }, { "unit": "", "component": "", "translation": "", "user": null, "author": null, "timestamp": "2025-02-28T23:31:21.774811Z", "action": 59, "target": 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