Translation Instance
Translation components API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/translations/plugins/credit/mk/?format=api", "url": "", "statistics_url": "" }, "component": { "name": "CRediT Plugin", "slug": "credit", "id": 185, "source_language": { "code": "en", "name": "English", "plural": { "id": 76, "source": 0, "number": 2, "formula": "n != 1", "type": 1 }, "aliases": [ "en_en", "base", "source", "enp", "eng" ], "direction": "ltr", "population": 1636485517, "web_url": "", "url": "", "statistics_url": "" }, "project": { "name": "Common Plugins", "slug": "plugins", "id": 3, "web": "", "web_url": "", "url": "", "components_list_url": "", "repository_url": "", "statistics_url": "", "changes_list_url": "", "languages_url": "", "translation_review": false, "source_review": false, "set_language_team": true, "instructions": "", "enable_hooks": true, "language_aliases": "" }, "vcs": "git", "repo": "", "git_export": "", "branch": "stable-3_4_0", "push_branch": "", "filemask": "locale/*/locale.po", "screenshot_filemask": "", "template": "locale/en/locale.po", "edit_template": true, "intermediate": "", "new_base": "", "file_format": "po-mono", "license": "GPL-3.0-or-later", "license_url": "", "agreement": "", "web_url": "", "url": "", "repository_url": "", "translations_url": "", "statistics_url": "", "lock_url": "", "links_url": "", "changes_list_url": "", "task_url": null, "new_lang": "add", "language_code_style": "", "push": "", "check_flags": "", "priority": 100, "enforced_checks": [], "restricted": false, "repoweb": "", "report_source_bugs": "", "merge_style": "rebase", "commit_message": "Translated using Weblate ({{ language_name }})\r\n\r\nCurrently translated at {{ stats.translated_percent }}% ({{ stats.translated }} of {{ stats.all }} strings)\r\n\r\nTranslation: {{ project_name }}/{{ component_name }}\r\nTranslate-URL: {{ url }}", "add_message": "Added translation using Weblate ({{ language_name }})", "delete_message": "Deleted translation using Weblate ({{ language_name }})", "merge_message": "Merge branch '{{ component_remote_branch }}' into Weblate.", "addon_message": "Update translation files\r\n\r\nUpdated by \"{{ addon_name }}\" hook in Weblate.\r\n\r\nTranslation: {{ project_name }}/{{ component_name }}\r\nTranslate-URL: {{ url }}", "pull_message": "Translations update from {{ site_title }}\r\n\r\nTranslations update from [{{ site_title }}]({{ site_url }}) for [{{ project_name }}/{{ component_name }}]({{url}}).\r\n\r\n{% if component_linked_childs %}\r\nIt also includes following components:\r\n{% for linked in component_linked_childs %}\r\n* [{{ linked.project_name }}/{{ }}]({{ linked.url }})\r\n{% endfor %}\r\n{% endif %}\r\n\r\nCurrent translation status:\r\n\r\n", "allow_translation_propagation": true, "manage_units": true, "enable_suggestions": true, "suggestion_voting": false, "suggestion_autoaccept": 0, "push_on_commit": true, "commit_pending_age": 24, "auto_lock_error": true, "language_regex": "^[^.]+$", "variant_regex": "", "addons": [], "is_glossary": false, "glossary_color": "silver" }, "language_code": "mk", "id": 11558, "filename": "locale/mk/locale.po", "revision": "50452c640598c23798e680caecd2b933faaa2ecd,0576fd1f0664c56cd050c314e0f2f057345df3f5", "web_url": "", "share_url": "", "translate_url": "", "url": "", "is_template": false, "is_source": false, "total": 6, "total_words": 57, "translated": 6, "translated_words": 57, "translated_percent": 100.0, "fuzzy": 0, "fuzzy_words": 0, "fuzzy_percent": 0.0, "failing_checks": 0, "failing_checks_words": 0, "failing_checks_percent": 0.0, "have_suggestion": 0, "have_comment": 0, "last_change": "2024-11-20T06:53:17.449721Z", "last_author": "Mirko Spiroski", "repository_url": "", "file_url": "", "statistics_url": "", "changes_list_url": "", "units_list_url": "" }{ "language": { "code": "mk", "name": "Macedonian", "plural": { "id": 417, "source": 0, "number": 2, "formula": "n==1 || n%10==1 ? 0 : 1", "type": 1 }, "aliases": [ "mac", "mkd" ], "direction": "ltr", "population": 1608564, "web_url": "