Translation components API.

See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.

GET /api/translations/plugins/datacite/sl/units/?format=api
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                "Please configure the DataCite export plugin before using it for the first time."
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                "\n\t\tIf you want to register DOIs with DataCite, please contact the Managing\n\t\tAgent via the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">DataCite\n\t\thomepage</a>, who will refer you to your local DataCite Member. Once you have\n\t\testablished a relationship with the Member organisation, you will be provided\n\t\twith access to the DataCite service for minting persistent identifiers (DOIs)\n\t\tand registering associated metadata. If you do not have your own username and\n\t\tpassword you'll still be able to export into the DataCite XML format but you\n\t\tcannot register your DOIs with DataCite from within OJS.\n\t\tPlease note that the password will be saved as plain text, i.e. not encrypted, due\n\t\tto the DataCite registration service requirements.\n\t"
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                "\n\t\tČe želite registrirati DOI-je pri DataCite, kontaktirajte upravljalskega agenta na <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">DataCite\n\t\tdomači strani</a>, ki vas bo napotil na vašega lokalnega člana DataCite. Ko boste uredili članstvo v\n\t\torganizaciji, boste dobili podatke za pripravo javnih identifikatorjev (DOI) in registracijo pripadajočih metapodatkov. Če nimate svojega uporabniškega imena in gesla, lahko še vedno izvozite podatke v \n\t\tDataCite XML obliki, ne morete pa registrirati DOI-je pri DataCite direktno iz OJS.\n\t\tProsimo, da upoštevate, da bo geslo shranjeno kot prosto besedilo, torej nekriptirano, zaradi zahtev \n\t\tDataCite registracijskega servisa.\n\t"
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                "Please enter the username (symbol) you got from DataCite. The username may not contain colons."
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                "Prosimo vnesite uporabniško ime (simbol), ki ste ga dobili od DataCite. Uporabniško ime lahko vsebuje dvopičja."
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                "OJS will deposit DOIs automatically to DataCite. Please note that this may take a short amount of time after publication to process (e.g. depending on your cronjob configuration). You can check for all unregistered DOIs."
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                "OJS bo avtomatsko opravil depozit dodeljenih DOI-jev na DataCite. Prosimo upoštevajte, da je za to lahko potrebno nekaj časa po tistem, ko objavite novo številko. Lahko preverite vse neregistrirane DOI-je."
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                "Use the DataCite test prefix for DOI registration. Please do not forget to remove this option for the production."
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                "A test DOI prefix is required when the \"use test prefix for DOI registration\" is selected."
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                "Če je izbrana opcija \"uporabi testno predpono za DOI registracijo\", mora biti testna DOI predpona določena."
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                "A test username is required when a production username is supplied."
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                "Tesno uporabniško ime je obvezno, če je določeno produkcijsko uporabniško ime."
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                "Handles depositing and exporting DataCite metadata"
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                "Registration was not successful! Please check your configuration and try again."
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                "Registracija ni bila uspešna! Prosimo preverite vaše nastavitve in poskusite ponovno."
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