Unit Instance
Units API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/units/867401/?format=api
http://translate.pkp.sfu.ca/api/translations/pkp-lib/admin/mr/?format=api", "source": [ "Are you sure you want to reload this locale? This will erase any existing locale-specific data such as customized email templates." ], "previous_source": "", "target": [ "हे लोकॅल खात्रीने पुनर्स्थापित करायचे ना? चालू लोकॅलशी संबंधीत अशी अस्तित्वात असलेली, खास बनवलेले ई-मेल टेंपलेट्स सारखी, माहिती पुसून टाकली जाईल." ], "id_hash": -6167390552984416380, "content_hash": -3339511044928427585, "location": "", "context": "admin.languages.confirmReload", "note": "", "flags": "", "labels": [], "state": 20, "fuzzy": false, "translated": true, "approved": false, "position": 21, "has_suggestion": false, "has_comment": false, "has_failing_check": false, "num_words": 21, "source_unit": "http://translate.pkp.sfu.ca/api/units/408258/?format=api", "priority": 100, "id": 867401, "web_url": "http://translate.pkp.sfu.ca/translate/pkp-lib/admin/mr/?checksum=2a6906f7e2438f84", "url": "http://translate.pkp.sfu.ca/api/units/867401/?format=api", "explanation": "", "extra_flags": "", "pending": false, "timestamp": "2025-01-28T06:38:28.976380Z" }{ "translation": "