Users API.
See the Weblate's Web API documentation for detailed description of the API.
GET /api/users/josekarvalho/notifications/?format=api
{ "count": 21, "next": null, "previous": null, "results": [ { "notification": "LastAuthorCommentNotificaton", "id": 383, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "MentionCommentNotificaton", "id": 384, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "NewAnnouncementNotificaton", "id": 385, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "MergeFailureNotification", "id": 386, "scope": 20, "frequency": 1, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "ParseErrorNotification", "id": 387, "scope": 20, "frequency": 1, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "NewTranslationNotificaton", "id": 388, "scope": 20, "frequency": 1, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "NewComponentNotificaton", "id": 389, "scope": 20, "frequency": 1, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "NewAlertNotificaton", "id": 390, "scope": 20, "frequency": 1, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "NewAnnouncementNotificaton", "id": 391, "scope": 20, "frequency": 1, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "MergeFailureNotification", "id": 392, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "ParseErrorNotification", "id": 393, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "NewStringNotificaton", "id": 394, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "NewContributorNotificaton", "id": 395, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "NewSuggestionNotificaton", "id": 396, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "NewCommentNotificaton", "id": 397, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "ChangedStringNotificaton", "id": 398, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "NewTranslationNotificaton", "id": 399, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "NewComponentNotificaton", "id": 400, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "NewAlertNotificaton", "id": 401, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "PendingSuggestionsNotification", "id": 402, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null }, { "notification": "ToDoStringsNotification", "id": 403, "scope": 10, "frequency": 3, "project": null, "component": null } ] }