Component Total Dismissed Active Translated
author 19 0 19 18
blocks-languageToggle 1 0 1 1
default 1 0 1 1
emails 3 0 3 3
generic-dublinCoreMeta 1 0 1 1
generic-recommendByAuthor 1 0 1 1
importexport-doaj 4 0 4 4
importexport-native 3 0 3 3
importexport-pubmed 5 0 5 5
importexport-users 4 0 4 4
locale 64 0 64 64
manager 27 0 27 27
pubIds-urn 1 0 1 1
reports-counter 4 0 4 4
themes-default 5 0 5 5

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Source and translation do not both end with a full stop