Component Total Dismissed Active Translated
admin 13 0 13 13
author 22 0 22 22
blocks-subscription 2 0 2 2
default 12 3 9 9
editor 43 4 39 39
emails 38 8 30 30
generic-announcementFeed 2 1 1 1
generic-dublinCoreMeta 1 0 1 1
generic-recommendByAuthor 1 0 1 1
generic-recommendBySimilarity 1 0 1 1
generic-usageEvent 1 0 1 1
importexport-doaj 5 1 4 4
importexport-native 5 0 5 5
importexport-pubmed 5 0 5 5
importexport-users 5 1 4 4
locale 142 19 123 123
manager 119 6 113 113
paymethod-manual-emails 1 0 1 1
paymethod-paypal-locale 1 0 1 1
pubIds-urn 12 0 12 12
reports-counter 4 1 3 3
reports-subscriptions 1 0 1 1
submission 16 2 14 14
themes-default 2 0 2 2

Check details

The translations in several languages have failing checks