Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Backup Plugin GPL-3.0 96% 12 381 2,766 1 4 0 0
Browse By Section Plugin GPL-3.0 88% 40 289 1,752 15 4 0 0
Browse Plugin GPL-3.0 97% 4 10 72 4 0 0 0
COinS Plugin GPL-3.0 97% 2 25 148 2 2 0 0
CRediT Plugin GPL-3.0 86% 16 103 670 8 0 0 0
Citation Style Language Plugin GPL-3.0 83% 229 1,664 10,878 223 86 0 0
Classic Theme LGPL-3.0 90% 75 480 2,774 75 21 0 2
Custom Block Manager Plugin GPL-3.0 89% 57 289 1,716 57 11 0 0
Custom Header Plugin GPL-3.0 84% 36 236 1,569 36 0 4 1
Custom Locale Plugin GPL-3.0 88% 55 198 1,389 55 2 0 0
Datacite Plugin 69% 246 2,037 13,994 246 30 0 0
Default Translation Plugin GPL-3.0 95% 3 43 256 2 0 0 0
Google Analytics Plugin GPL-3.0 97% 8 159 1,167 8 21 0 1
Google Scholar Plugin GPL-3.0 97% 2 14 98 2 1 0 0 GPL-3.0 96% 2 16 122 2 0 0 0
Immersion theme GPL-3.0 92% 82 530 3,176 82 17 0 1
JATS Template Plugin GPL-3.0 92% 4 38 274 4 0 0 0
Lens Galley Plugin GPL-3.0 93% 4 32 204 4 0 0 0
Lucene Plugin GPL-3.0 74% 482 6,583 46,095 481 62 0 0
MEDRA Plugin GPL-3.0 74% 403 2,675 18,238 389 56 0 1
Make Submission Plugin GPL-3.0 91% 9 57 333 9 0 0 0
OAI JATS Plugin GPL-3.0 85% 20 286 1,737 20 0 0 0
OJS CrossRef import/export plugin GPL-3.0 80% 328 4,955 37,360 283 138 1 1
OPS CrossRef import/export plugin GPL-3.0 77% 157 2,340 17,568 147 94 0 0
OpenID Plugin GPL-3.0 83% 323 3,515 25,294 322 59 2 6
PDF.js Viewer Plugin GPL-3.0 96% 2 22 161 2 0 0 0
PKP Preservation Network (PKP|PN) Plugin GPL-3.0 82% 492 4,576 29,899 464 29 0 1
Paperbuzz Plugin GPL-3.0 94% 24 99 646 23 4 3 0
Plagiarism Plugin GPL-3.0 56% 1,000 10,470 70,339 989 26 5 3
Pragma theme plugin GPL-3.0 90% 51 318 1,839 51 23 0 0
QuickSubmit Plugin GPL-3.0 91% 42 175 1,182 42 9 1 0
Returning Author Screening GPL-3.0 88% 16 348 1,984 16 1 1 0
Review Report Plugin GPL-3.0 90% 75 141 1,122 75 95 6 0
SWORD Server Plugin GPL-3.0 85% 12 258 2,116 12 0 0 0
Static Pages Plugin GPL-3.0 96% 28 272 1,765 28 25 0 0
Subscription SSO Plugin GPL-3.0 88% 45 549 3,510 45 5 0 0
Texture Plugin GPL-3.0 91% 27 87 537 27 0 0 0
TinyMCE Plugin GPL-3.0 91% 35 165 1,198 35 6 0 0
Usage Statistics Plugin GPL-3.0 89% 218 4,631 30,779 218 62 0 0
Web Feed Plugin GPL-3.0 69% 226 1,931 12,483 117 31 0 1
controlPublicFiles GPL-3.0 97% 11 152 888 11 4 0 0
piwik GPL-3.0 93% 18 246 1,662 18 11 0 0
textEditorExtras GPL-3.0 90% 22 673 4,520 22 9 0 0
Glossary Common Plugins 30% 4,496 7,551 54,630 4,493 0 1 0

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 34,577 300,045 2,054,186
Source 1,246 10,456 71,953
Translated 72% 25,138 80% 240,426 79% 1,643,276
Needs editing 1% 274 1% 3,699 1% 25,346
Read-only 1% 390 1% 2,389 1% 20,302
Failing checks 2% 948 7% 23,129 8% 168,611
Strings with suggestions 1% 24 1% 143 1% 1,039
Untranslated strings 26% 9,165 18% 55,920 18% 385,564

Quick numbers

300 k
Hosted words
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
Language Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
English 99% 2 48 420 0 131 2 7
Arabic 0 0 0 0 29 0 0
Armenian 0 0 0 0 7 0 0
Azerbaijani 1% 631 5,532 37,654 608 2 0 0
Basque 17% 257 2,315 15,833 252 15 0 0
Bosnian 20% 97 162 1,169 97 0 0 0
Bosnian (latin) 16% 112 276 1,890 112 6 0 0
Bulgarian 0 0 0 0 19 0 0
Catalan 68% 334 2,962 20,370 329 41 0 0
Chinese (Simplified) 39% 150 681 5,030 136 9 0 0
Chinese (Simplified) (zh_CN) 32% 187 928 6,252 186 6 0 0
Chinese (Traditional) 8% 108 255 1,763 102 0 0 0
Croatian 14% 150 801 5,861 145 4 0 0
Czech 0 0 0 0 7 0 0
Danish 0 0 0 0 23 0 0
Dutch 51% 293 2,158 14,844 288 17 0 0
Finnish 76% 170 889 6,130 163 5 5 0
French 49% 223 1,626 11,872 215 25 0 0
French (Canada) 84% 146 1,355 9,924 133 40 0 0
French (fr_FR) 80% 102 213 1,505 101 1 0 0
Gaelic 7% 104 236 1,652 99 1 0 0
Galician 59% 348 2,373 15,631 342 27 0 0
Georgian 60% 411 3,721 25,638 403 69 0 0
German 88% 115 278 1,887 113 24 0 0
Greek 50% 285 2,170 14,906 280 23 0 0
Hungarian 62% 160 615 4,195 155 24 0 0
Iban 0% 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Icelandic 2% 167 1,440 9,562 162 0 0 0
Indonesian 96% 23 205 1,452 21 9 0 0
Italian 75% 211 1,320 8,793 208 27 0 0
Japanese 40% 225 1,974 13,306 225 0 0 0
Kazakh 15% 112 287 1,994 107 2 0 0
Korean 22% 123 324 2,188 123 0 0 0
Kurdish 18% 112 242 1,683 112 3 0 0
Kurdish (Central) 26% 136 780 5,770 121 8 0 0
Kurdish (ku_IQ) 0% 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Kyrgyz 46% 115 290 1,999 115 1 0 0
Macedonian 99% 1 1 3 1 0 0 0
Malay 74% 232 1,565 10,378 225 16 0 0
Mongolian 0% 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Norwegian Bokmål 55% 371 3,263 22,393 317 40 13 4
Persian 49% 243 1,541 10,656 238 54 0 0
Persian (fa_IR) 98% 1 1 4 1 0 0 0
Polish 59% 144 494 3,428 138 10 0 0
Polish (pl_PL) 3% 93 156 1,134 93 0 0 0
Portuguese 59% 207 1,125 7,617 206 32 0 0
Portuguese (Brazil) 99% 1 1 4 1 25 0 0
Portuguese (Portugal) 99% 1 1 4 0 0 0 0
Romanian 56% 132 641 4,565 132 10 0 0
Russian 84% 165 941 6,362 164 5 0 0
Serbian 54% 172 1,498 10,497 172 6 0 0
Serbian (latin) 43% 165 849 6,180 153 18 1 0
Slovak 36% 141 485 3,366 135 7 0 0
Slovenian 98% 18 228 1,656 18 30 0 0
Spanish 98% 13 544 3,932 6 18 0 7
Spanish (Argentina) 2% 94 158 1,144 92 0 0 0
Spanish (Mexico) 37% 60 107 774 60 0 0 0
Swedish 42% 498 4,321 29,262 493 24 0 0
Turkish 87% 120 1,526 10,574 119 22 2 0
Ukrainian 0 0 0 0 5 0 0
Uzbek 65% 83 715 5,006 78 1 1 0
Uzbek (latin) 42% 160 726 5,083 155 8 0 0
Uzbek (uz_UZ@cyrillic) 0% 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Uzbek (uz_UZ@latin) 7% 96 160 1,156 96 0 0 0
Vietnamese 61% 235 1,476 9,935 235 12 0 0
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Common Plugins / CRediT Plugin

Rebased repository 3 days ago
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Common Plugins / JATS Template Plugin

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Common Plugins / JATS Template Plugin

GitHub:, stable-3_5_0 3 days ago
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Common Plugins / QuickSubmit Plugin

Rebased repository 4 days ago
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Common Plugins / QuickSubmit Plugin

GitHub:, stable-3_4_0 4 days ago
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Common Plugins / Pragma theme plugin

Rebased repository 4 days ago
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Common Plugins / Pragma theme plugin

GitHub:, stable-3_4_0 4 days ago
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Common Plugins / Citation Style Language Plugin

Rebased repository 5 days ago
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Common Plugins / Citation Style Language Plugin

GitHub:, stable-3_5_0 5 days ago
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Committed changes

Common Plugins / Custom Locale PluginUzbek

Committed changes 5 days ago
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New announcement

Common Plugins / Usage Statistics Plugin

The Usage Statistics Plugin is deprecated after OJS/OMP/OPS 3.3.0 and should no longer be updated.

4 months ago
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