Component Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
admin GPL-3.0 84% 169 4,347 26,426 162 11 0 1
api 86% 30 288 1,674 30 1 0 1
author 83% 9 32 204 9 0 0 0
blocks-browse 92% 16 32 236 16 11 0 0
blocks-developedBy 94% 5 16 105 5 0 0 0
blocks-information 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
blocks-languageToggle 96% 2 10 71 2 0 0 0
default 91% 107 3,796 27,363 107 42 0 0
editor 94% 85 928 6,107 85 30 0 0
emails 74% 414 18,181 142,868 279 211 0 8
generic-dublinCoreMeta 92% 4 34 218 4 1 0 0
generic-googleScholar 92% 4 28 196 4 0 0 0
generic-htmlMonographFile 92% 4 24 166 4 0 0 0
generic-pdfJsViewer 88% 6 42 270 6 3 0 0
importexport-csv 85% 55 750 4,818 55 5 0 0
importexport-native 85% 53 514 3,777 53 7 0 0
importexport-onix30 92% 38 228 1,594 38 7 0 0
importexport-users 98% 12 140 894 12 42 0 0
locale 89% 1,542 16,260 124,467 1,413 342 1 1
manager 86% 1,677 17,255 110,550 1,656 219 0 3
paymethod-manual-emails 83% 17 235 1,453 17 5 0 0
paymethod-manual-locale 88% 30 104 716 30 6 0 0
paymethod-paypal-locale 89% 23 88 555 23 1 0 0
pubIds-urn 89% 175 1,279 8,222 175 45 0 2
submission 81% 1,018 8,838 56,511 1,015 95 1 1
themes-default 69% 234 1,621 9,665 226 12 0 0
Glossary Open Monograph Press 68% 171 223 1,592 171 0 0 0

String statistics

Strings percent Hosted strings Words percent Hosted words Characters percent Hosted characters
Total 43,800 408,828 2,767,855
Source 1,728 14,591 98,936
Translated 86% 37,900 81% 333,535 80% 2,237,137
Needs editing 1% 303 3% 15,658 4% 128,323
Read-only 1% 354 1% 1,742 1% 11,256
Failing checks 2% 1,098 8% 35,697 9% 273,993
Strings with suggestions 1% 2 1% 10 1% 77
Untranslated strings 12% 5,597 14% 59,635 14% 402,395

Quick numbers

408 k
Hosted words
Hosted strings
and previous 30 days

Trends of last 30 days

Hosted words
Hosted strings
Language Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
English 99% 5 52 322 2 210 0 12
Arabic 7% 499 3,630 25,330 489 12 0 0
Basque 33% 6 8 57 6 0 0 0
Bulgarian 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Catalan 88% 173 3,115 22,382 152 35 0 0
Chinese (Simplified) 33% 6 8 57 6 0 0 0
Chinese (Simplified) (zh_CN) 0% 6 8 57 6 0 0 0
Chinese (Traditional) 59% 11 68 444 11 2 0 0
Croatian 96% 48 1,096 8,750 37 22 0 0
Czech 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Danish 99% 10 167 1,382 7 3 0 0
Dutch 33% 6 8 57 6 0 0 0
Finnish 98% 20 316 2,431 17 1 0 0
French 99% 14 151 1,308 13 14 0 0
French (Canada) 57% 635 7,120 48,549 614 77 0 0
French (fr_FR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gaelic 82% 125 1,615 11,640 115 15 0 0
Galician 86% 196 3,432 24,734 181 31 0 0
German 98% 22 908 7,220 13 40 1 3
Greek 61% 503 6,046 41,551 484 102 0 0
Hungarian 93% 103 2,046 15,418 87 58 0 0
Indonesian 95% 58 694 4,758 55 2 0 0
Italian 94% 54 1,625 12,641 39 17 0 0
Japanese 85% 5 6 43 5 1 0 0
Kurdish (Central) 20% 495 5,025 32,808 495 2 0 0
Kurdish (ku_IQ) 16% 5 7 51 5 0 0 0
Kyrgyz 0% 44 744 4,574 44 0 0 0
Macedonian 99% 11 258 2,203 7 0 0 0
Norwegian Bokmål 87% 193 3,175 22,674 173 32 0 0
Persian 90% 51 601 4,513 47 25 0 0
Persian (fa_IR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Polish 93% 95 2,006 15,385 77 51 0 0
Polish (pl_PL) 16% 5 6 43 5 0 0 0
Portuguese 99% 13 149 1,294 12 28 0 0
Portuguese (Brazil) 99% 10 561 4,589 0 33 1 1
Portuguese (Portugal) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Romanian 98% 29 405 3,313 26 15 0 0
Russian 87% 190 3,212 22,969 172 66 0 0
Serbian 0% 6 8 57 6 0 0 0
Slovenian 77% 331 4,272 30,256 310 103 0 0
Spanish 99% 11 168 1,388 8 3 0 1
Swedish 76% 314 5,899 41,423 301 38 0 0
Turkish 90% 149 2,981 21,452 130 36 0 0
Ukrainian 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vietnamese 3% 1,443 13,697 92,595 1,434 21 0 0
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